


格兰特PUD是由一群前瞻性思想家建立的. Residents formed this PUD to bring electricity to the county in the 1930s. 20世纪50年代, they encouraged construction of two dams on the Columbia River to provide renewable, 为自己和子孙后代提供低成本能源.





1938 -格兰特县PUD号. 第2条以2166票对828票的多数通过. 格兰特县PUD号. 1, 以前是为县的一部分人服务的吗, 被新事物吸收了, 全国性的效用.

1941 -授予PUD 600美元,000 loan from the Rural Electrification Administration to finance construction of approximately 440 miles of electric distribution lines in Grant and Douglas counties and to pay for the Coulee City and Soap Lake electric systems.

1945 - Grant PUD moves its offices from Soap Lake to Ephrata, the seat of Grant County.

1949 - Grant PUD与Grant县和U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to provide electrical service to new farmland being developed as part of the Columbia Basin Reclamation Project.

1951 - Representatives of the Grant County Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Grant PUD Board of 委员 and asked the PUD to consider constructing a dam at Priest Rapids.

1955 - The Federal Power Commission issued Grant PUD a license to build and operate two dams, 被统称为神父急流计划.

1957年政府. 罗塞里尼回转阀

1957 - Governor Albert Rosellini turned a valve starting the first concrete pour at Priest Rapids Dam.


1959 - Construction began at Wanapum Dam, which was authorized as part of the Priest Rapids Project.

1962 - Priest Rapids Dam, with a generating capacity of 956兆瓦, was dedicated. U.S. 商务部长路德·霍奇斯(Luther Hodges)是主旨发言人. 约有900人出席.

1964 -第10台也是最后一台发电机在Wanapum大坝投入生产, 当时的发电能力是1040兆瓦. This made Grant PUD the third largest, non-federal producer of hydroelectric power in the nation.


1966 - Wanapum大坝是专用的. Activities focused around the new heritage center, which opened to the public for the first time. 大约1900人出席了典礼.

1976 - The Ephrata Service Center is completed and dedicated in honor of Bill Schempp’s service to the Grant PUD.


1982 - 维拉Claussen was the first woman elected to the Grant PUD Board of 委员.

1985 - The Quincy Chute hydroelectric project made its first commercial power output. The facility is operated by Grant PUD under agreement with the Grand Coulee Project Hydroelectric Authority and has a rated generating capacity of 9.4兆瓦.


1990 - The first commercial operation of the 东运河水头工程 hydroelectric project began. The facility is operated by Grant PUD under agreement with the Grand Coulee Project Hydroelectric Authority and has a rated generating capacity of 6.5兆瓦.

2000 - The Grant PUD commissioners authorized construction and testing of a full-size, 将安装在瓦纳普姆大坝的新型先进涡轮机的原型.

2001 - Grant PUD的新光纤网络开始为客户服务.

2007 - Grant PUD 委员 approved a 20-percent discount for low-income customers who are seniors or disabled. The customers must have incomes that are less than 150 percent of the poverty guidelines.


2008 - The Federal 能源 Regulatory Commission awarded Grant PUD a new 44-year license to operate the Priest Rapids Project.

2008 - Wanapum鱼类分流装置, which allows migrating juvenile salmon a safer passage over Wanapum Dam, 同时节约用水,提高发电能力, 开始操作.

2012 -开始建造Priest Rapids Dam Fish Bypass Unit. The $28 million project converted three spillway bays into chutes that use a minimal amount of water to safely get juvenile salmon past the dam.

2013 - Grant PUD celebrates the completion of its Advanced Turbine Replacement Project at Wanapum Dam. The project included the replacement of all 10 of the dam’s original turbines.


2014 - 2月份在瓦纳普姆大坝溢洪道发现了裂缝. 骨折, 在大坝上游的水线以下, 跑过了13个溢洪道墩的其中一个65英尺宽的巨石. Grant PUD reduced the pressure behind the dam by lowering the Wanapum reservoir by 26 feet, 然后用后拉力锚和金属棒加固溢洪道, 在12月提高水库之前.

2014 - The Priest Rapids Fish Bypass began operations in time for the spring juvenile fish migration season.

2015 -新的Wanapum遗产中心于10月开放. Located on the ancestral grounds of the indigenous Wanapum Band of the Priest Rapids, 50,000平方英尺的设施是保护的关键因素, 保护和延续文化, 瓦纳普姆人的传统和身份. 去年12月,Grant PUD在Wanapum大坝附近开设了新的游客中心. Experience the Power of the Columbia allows visitors to see how the Columbia River has shaped Grant County.

2016 - Construction begins on the first phase in the renovation of the Crescent Bar 娱乐 Area. 第一阶段包括一艘新船下水和停靠, 行走路径, 房车露营地, 停车及康乐设施.

2017 - The new campsite, boat launch, 码头 and other features opens to the public at Crescent Bar. 在秋天, 二期工程开始施工, which includes a renovated boat launch and dock on the Crescent Bar Island as well as improved water and wastewater treatment facilities.


2017 - Grant PUD推出高级计量计划, 这将取代49,在该县安装了可以远程读取的新仪表.

2018 - The construction project to renovate the Crescent Bar 娱乐 Area was completed. 这个多年的项目包括一个新的露营地, 船发射, 码头, 操场上, 步行道及水、污水处理设施.

2019 - Grant PUD establishes the Pay-it-Forward program in partnership with two of its large industrial customers to provide funds from energy conservation rebates totaling approximately $500,000美元用于造福格兰特县居民的项目.

2020 ——因新冠肺炎疫情,公共设施关闭.

2020 - Complete rehab of final generating unit at Wanapum Dam, a 20-year project. 

2021 - Signed with 能源 Northwest and X-energy to establish partnership to explore development and commercial demonstration of the country's first advanced nuclear reactor. 
